May 25 – Common Values of Humanity in Asia and the World

Kalpaka boulevard 4, Room 215: 10:00-18:00


First panel 10:00-12:00

Moderator: prof. Agnese Haijima


Agnese Haijima (University of Latvia)

A New Look on the Historical Relations between Latvia and Japan


Anita Stašulāne (Daugavpils University)

East Asian Religions in Latvia


Farkas Maria Ildikó (Károli Gáspár University)

Competing Perceptions: Japan and a New Discourse on Modernity in East Central Europe in the Early 20th Century (online)


Adam Bednarczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University)

Medieval Japanese Travel Diaries and Making (Up) a Literary Geography


12:00-13:00 Break


Second Section 13:00-15:00

Moderator: lect. Ildze Šķestere


Ka Ki Alan Ho (The Chinese University of Hong Kong/McGill University)

The Overlooked Peace-Keeping Strategies in Early Eastern Han China: A Case Study of the Dou Family in the First Century CE


Júlia Somodi (Károli Gáspár University)

Motivating Students with Gamification in Japanese Classes


Zhu Qi (Sun Yat-Sen University)      

Conflict and Integration: The Formation of Overseas Chinese Hometown Culture in Modern Guangdong


Liu Zimo (Wuhan University) 

Historical Investigation and Value Significance of the “Asian Production Mode” – Based on the Chinese Perspective


15:00-15:30 Coffee Break, Room 108


Third Section 15:30-18:00

Moderator: prof. Kaspars Kļaviņš


Yi Meng Cheng (University of Macau)

The Devil in the Details: Re-Assessing the Relationship between the PRC and the Malayan Chinese during Cold War-Era Globalization, 1949-1960s


Lingzhou Cheng (Zhejiang University)

Who are We? Youth, Mobilization and Social Change in Modern China


Vivek Kumar Shukla (Aarhus University)   

The LGBTQ+ Community’s Journey in India: From Scriptures to Bollywood


17:00 Closing of the Conference