May 24 - Evolution and Integration of Asian Civilizations

Kalpaka boulevard 4, Room 215: 09:00-18:00


First panel 9:30-12:00

Moderator: prof. Kaspars Kļaviņš


Andrew Eungi Kim (Korea University)

Soka Gakkai International as a New Religious Movement of Korea:

Focusing on Daisaku Ikeda’s Religious Thoughts


Ain ul Khair (Central European University)

Colonial Body: Historicizing the Becoming of the Kashmiri Body


Li Yang (Ghent University)     

The Change of Diplomatic Ideas in the Late Qing Dynasty (1840-1914): A Literature Review


Jiang Yingyao (Renmin University)   

The Capital Issue and Socialist Market Economy in the New Era


Zhou Xiaolan (South China Normal University)    

The Making of the Entrepreneurial Identity: A Comparative Sino-French Study on Long-Lasting Family Businesses


12:00-13:00 Break


Second Section 13:00-15:00

Moderator: prof. Jānis Priede


Jacek Skup (Jagiellonian University)

A Temple of National Consciousness: The Ram Mandir of Ayodhya and the Realization of a Political Myth


Yang Ting (South China Normal University)

The Historical Changes and Contemporary Wisdom of Ancient Chinese Role Model Culture


Valdis Pīrāgs (University of Latvia)

The Latvian Translation of Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthan – Experiences and Realisations


14:30 Presentation by foreign students about their intercultural experiences


15:00-15:30 Coffee Break, Room 108


Third Section 15:30-18:00

Moderator: Dr. Aleksandrs Simons


Aleksandrs Simons (National Library of Latvia)

The Daoist Notion of the “Interconnectedness of Man and Nature” in the Literature of Shen Congwen – The Case of “Ecosophy WH”


Xiao Yangyu (Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University)      

Technology Risk Crimes and Legislative Response in China


Alīna Nidagundi (Riga Technical University and University of Latvia)

Mapping Berlin in Sojourn by Amit Chaudhuri


Janka Farkas (Eötvös Loránd University)

Age of the Eco-Dharma: Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism as Environmental Activism